Thursday, June 23, 2011

boring list of all my pokemon and their names. page stretch.

i have some pokemon from other regions. = m= these are the pokemon i currently have in my POKEMON WHITE.
so yeah.

sarah - solosis - female 
tracey - trubbish - female
carin - tranquill - female
icarus - vanillite - male
nerre - foongus - female 
forrest - gothitelle - male 
selvin - solosis - male
darrius - swanna - male 
allen - beartic - male
kioni - watchog - female 
hasaharu - larvesta - male
korzton - elgyem - male
narcissa - musharna - female 
yuri - simipour - male
clow - minccino - male
rufus - ferroseed - male 
rozz - klink
kerry - deerling - female
amoria - lilligant - female
rorrick - shelmet - male 
iraita - haxorus - male 
derin - whimsicott - male 

my million eevees that aren't relative to the world. LOL. they're just the boring guards in the story anyway. ( and all of those OCs up there, i haven't drawn ALL of them, but the majority. :| )

my pkmn gold pokemon.
STD - ditto 
candy - jinx - female
karol - gyarados - female
cirenes - pidgey - male 
corbet - magikarp - male
sakiwari - goldeen - female 
hiro - vaporeon - male ( my team pokemon below )
Michael  - lvl 100 slowbrow - male
Balthazar - lvl 100 Ampharos - male
Jo - lvl 100 pidgeot - female
Lucifer - lvl 100 typhlosion  - male
Dean - lvl 93 sandslash - male 
beat the game with those baddies. = m=

and these last couple are random i have in my PC ( starters. and 3 legen. ) 

Rijioak - lvl 1 piplup - male
Nausica - lvl 1  oshawott - female
Sotaru - lvl 10 totodile male 
uh i never named my legendaries, nevermind. 

and i'm holding my brother's lvl 100 teams for his pokemon diamond and his pokemon black team because he wanted to start over with all starters. so i have 2 6 pokemon teams for his black and his diamond team. don't think anyone cares about his team, but he's pokemon-master status. 8( he hella had a feraligatr before the third gym in his soul silver. >:U

maybe i will list my eevees' 

takahashi - male

romero - male
cye - male
rostiri - female
A.53 - male ( lol don't worry about it.)
monsterdon - male 
keiichi - male 
ferros - male
sora - male ( KH anyone? )
mimiko - female
persevak - male
benet - male
byrin - male
fernanan - male
aegean - male
quintinius - male ( brave nature, for all you edge chronicle readers. )
silzief - male 
xander - male
sikari - female
X - male
onrek - male
gogetsu - male
and 2 eggs i never hatched. 8(

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