Wednesday, June 15, 2011

T vT Doodles?

Doodles? /shot.
I'm not exactly farmiliar with how this works. 
Q vQ
Let's see if I can figure it out, because i'm very website retarded. 
 Messing around with the marker tool. >: Not terribly happy with this, I wish I had fixed her hair coloring. The lyrics aren't of any importance, but they do play a part with her....forte? She approaches people in metaphors. Which doesn't work out for her, LOL. 

The original WIP of my dA ID. Not much here. T vT
This is actually pretty old, but I wanted to put it up anyway, because I never put this anywhere. Ha. Akuwa's OC Luka. When I drew the 2010 version of the picture, i was so happy with it. I just doodled this randomly one day. 
A wip of Akuwa's character, Letha. ; u; I need to finish this.
And finally, my OC Chiharu. T vT I drew her this morning. This is just here when she's being terribly loli-13 year old, and being a curious bitch to Zephr. LOL. Not much about her, she's a pokemon trainer when she gets older. 

Uhhhh, not sure how I did. /cry.

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